Vice-Chancellor Prof. Nana Aba Appiah Amfo has urged women aspiring to build successful and impactful careers to proactively seek opportunities, cultivate mentorship relationships and develop resilience.

The Vice-Chancellor was speaking at an event hosted by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ghana to commemorate International Women’s Day 2024, where she delivered a compelling address, sharing insights gleaned from her own journey to leadership.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Nana Aba Appiah Amfo (second from the left)

In her seven-point remarks, Prof. Amfo underscored the importance of self-improvement and constructive criticism, underlining the need for women building careers to constantly strive to be the best version of themselves. “Aim to be the best version of yourself. Open up yourself for critique,” she advised.

Highlighting the significance of understanding one’s institution and profession, Prof. Amfo encouraged women to actively engage in opportunities for learning and professional growth. “Avail yourself for functions that allow an understanding of how things work and that is how you get involved and build yourself to serve when the opportunity comes.” 

She suggested that women should make themselves equally available to serve at the lowest levels, within their units, departments and even outside of their fields, noting that a lack of availability is a missed opportunity to learn and grow.

Drawing from her experience, Prof. Amfo stressed the value of seeking mentors and sponsors to expedite personal and professional growth. “Seek mentors and sponsors. This will open your eyes and speed up your growth,” she noted.

Registrar Mrs. Emelia N. K. Agyei-Mensah and Director, Public Affairs Dr. Elizier Ameyaw-Buronyah (Mrs.) in attendance 

Recognising the evolving demands of leadership roles, Prof. Amfo further stated that it was essential for women to develop soft skills and effective team management since climbing the professional career ladder hinges very much on such soft skills. She observed that, “as you move higher, you will use less of your technical skills and more of your management skills.” 

Addressing the challenges of balancing career advancement with family responsibilities, Prof. Amfo advocated for women to cultivate coping mechanisms and support systems. “Keep the work and life balance, and ask for help, both professionally and at home,” she advised. She also stressed the significance of building resilience amidst competing demands.

Some participants at the event 

The Vice-Chancellor offered her encouragement to women, emphasising the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity and criticism. “Don’t take things too personally,” she affirmed, “Stand your ground, yet remain open to critique as a means to grow and reach your full potential.”

Her message was focused on imploring women to persist despite challenges, acknowledging that progress often invites scrutiny and doubt. She stressed the significance of discerning valuable feedback, letting go of what is not constructive and moving forward without hesitation.

The event, attended by women leaders, organisations and embassy staff, also featured inspiring addresses by Ms. Patricia Obo-Nai, CEO of Telecel Ghana (formerly Vodafone Ghana); Nana Oye Bampoe Addo, Human Rights Lawyer and Former Gender Minister; Dr. Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings, MP, Klottey Korle Constituency as well as Musician and Songwriter, Wiyaala (the African Lioness).

In his opening remarks, Ambassador Daniel Krull reiterated the Embassy’s commitment to celebrating women’s achievements and providing platforms for inspiring narratives. “It is important to celebrate women and create a platform for high-achieving women to share their stories to inspire others,” he remarked.

In focus – Ambassador Daniel Krul

The event served as a platform to promote collaboration and empowerment in advancing gender equality and fostering networking opportunities for attendees seeking to thrive and contribute to society’s progress.


Communications Specialist skilled in strategic communication, public relations, journalism, digital marketing strategies, and research, with a passion for storytelling. My goal is to leverage my expertise to drive impactful communication campaigns, advance organizational missions, and tell compelling brand stories. I have a special focus on agriculture, SDGs, migration, research, youth development, and other relevant subjects across Ghana and Africa.

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