A birthday reflection

Life isn’t really what we once imagined,
Neither the visions of childhood, bright and enchanted,
Nor the images painted by others so clear,
But something far deeper, a path to revere.

It’s about learning and growing, in constant flow,
Unlearning, relearning, and letting go.
Through experiences, we gather our strength,
Building resilience, at any length.

It’s about dreaming, though dreams may fade,
Knowing not all will come true, but still they’re made.
We dream regardless, because that’s what we do—
Even in knowing, some won’t come through.

Lower your expectations with care and grace,
For desires don’t always fit into place.
The reality we seek may not be what’s found,
But wisdom in acceptance is truly profound.

The life we live is shaped by another,
Our joy, our sorrow, entwined with each other.
Happiness shared, or in silence we cry,
And the time of our passing depends on a sigh.

Remember, our lives, our choices each day,
Have bearings on others in countless ways.
Every action, every pause or refrain,
Ripple through lives with joy or with pain.

Life, it’s a series of sacrifices made,
Daily offerings in light and in shade.
Bliss may greet us, like the morning sun,
Yet struggles, like harmattan winds, may come.

Through rainy seasons or dry winds that blow,
We press on, even when progress is slow.
Time moves swiftly, like rivers that flow,
Carrying with it both joy and sorrow.

But in its currents, we find our way,
Learning to stand strong, come what may.
If we know all of this, if it’s clear to see,
Then why should we worry or cease to be free?

Do we question the gods for our place in this space?
Maybe we do, but there’s peace in the chase.
For this life, though heavy, is uniquely mine, so is yours
To live, to impact, to learn, to define! So is yours.

And in the end, I stand tall and give,
For no one but me can live the life I live.
So must you too, live your life,
Why? No one but you can live your life.


Two days prior to my birthday on September 7, I was on the night bus, STC to Tamale. Having left the Adum Kumasi bus stop, using the route through the Kejetia market, these lines came to mind and I wrote the rough note. The lengthy journey, with many vehicles, mostly heavy-duty carrying goods and people, the not-so-good and with curves and hilly portions with straight lines and savannah trees, parts dualized, but most parts not dualized, brought a lot about life experience to mind.

Over the 20-something years, I’ve grown from a small cottage, which depended on farming and fishing in the Volta Lake, so I was a fisherman and farmer (Akosombo as we affectionately call the lake), to a University graduate. This long journey has taught me a lot, and every day, I appreciate the many people who sacrificed and impacted my life to get me here. Most importantly, God, who didn’t give up on the orphan me.

Reflecting on one’s journey and the essence of life, it becomes clear that the path we walk is woven with trials and triumphs, each shaping our story. Through the struggles and successes, we discover the richness of our existence and the profound impact of our choices on others. Life, in all its complexity, represents our resilience and capacity for growth. It also means that we must endeavor to find meaning in our experiences and the ability to shape our destiny with each step we take.


Communications Specialist skilled in strategic communication, public relations, journalism, digital marketing strategies, and research, with a passion for storytelling. My goal is to leverage my expertise to drive impactful communication campaigns, advance organizational missions, and tell compelling brand stories. I have a special focus on agriculture, SDGs, migration, research, youth development, and other relevant subjects across Ghana and Africa.

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