Author: Vincent Amedzake

Communications Specialist skilled in strategic communication, public relations, journalism, digital marketing strategies, and research, with a passion for storytelling. My goal is to leverage my expertise to drive impactful communication campaigns, advance organizational missions, and tell compelling brand stories. I have a special focus on agriculture, SDGs, migration, research, youth development, and other relevant subjects across Ghana and Africa.

The University of Ghana, through the International Programmes Office (IPO), has marked the 2024 International Week with a number of activities that brought together international partners, international students, and the general UG community. The highlight of the celebration was an International Symposium held during which UG, its international partners, and sister universities converged at the Cedi Conference Centre on the main UG campus to deliberate on the theme, “Rethinking Internalisation in Africa: The Equity Question.” In his welcome address, Dean of International Programmes, Prof. Eric Osei-Assibey, extended a warm appreciation to all present, noting, “The International Symposium sets the stage…

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The Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST) is living up to its mandate of enhancing the transfer of knowledge, technology and innovation from University research to meet the needs of industry. At the 7th Industry-Academia Interaction Series and Exhibition researchers and representatives from industry deliberated on the theme, ‘Sustainable Energy Transitions and Climate Change; The Role of Partnerships.’ It provided an opportunity to hold discussions on how industry and academia can engage on relevant issues and common interests in sustainable energy and climate change, through partnerships. In stating the purpose of gathering, Prof. David Dodoo-Arhin, Director of IAST, noted…

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Budding student entrepreneurs at the University of Ghana have been given another promising opportunity to develop their ventures while receiving resources and guidance to transform their ideas into viable solutions to address community, national and global challenges. Following the successful renewal of UG’s partnership with Imperial College London, renowned for its entrepreneurial development initiatives and funding support, a fresh phase of the startup support programme, the Student Venture Support Programme (SVSP) has been launched. The programme is being undertaken in collaboration with Impact Hub Accra. The launch provided a platform for the unveiling of the twenty-three teams that were shortlisted…

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Growing up in Ghana is a mix of excitement and challenges. As a young person, you feel the pressure to succeed and make your family proud. Everyone has high expectations of you – to do well in school, get a good job, and support the family. But finding your way and staying motivated is not always easy. In Ghana, there is a clear path many expect you to follow: excel in school, get a degree, find a respectable job, and eventually take care of your family. These expectations can be overwhelming. You see friends and classmates achieving their goals, and…

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In fields of green and skies of blue, Nature’s symphony plays for me and you. Birds in chorus, trees in sway, A harmonious rhythm throughout the day. Rivers flow, a gentle melody, Mountains stand tall, in grand majesty. Nature’s canvas, a masterpiece so rare, A symphony of life, beyond compare.

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Echoes of time, whispers in the wind, Tales of old, where memories begin. Ancient voices, etched in stone, Stories of triumph, of love, and alone. Through the ages, echoes resound, In every heartbeat, in every sound. Time’s eternal dance, a melody divine, Echoes of history, forever intertwine.

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In the silence of the night, Whispers weave a tale of light. Stars above in shimmering dance, Guiding dreams in a cosmic trance. Moon’s soft glow, a tranquil guide, Through the darkness, it does glide. Listen close, to nature’s song, In the night, where dreams belong.

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It has been more than four years since the world was plagued with the deadly pandemic of Covid-19. At the time and due to newness, major public health and communication interventions were being drastically employed to share health information to ensure people are safe and are reliably informed. The spate of the pandemic also promoted immediate research in various fields of inquiry, from direct clinical research and drug development to more social and behavioral studies. Since the onset of the pandemic prompted increased media awareness and communication efforts, several studies were also conducted to propose the best communication strategies and…

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A recent study conducted by Ghanaian researchers Noel Nutsugah, Mavis Essandoh, Paulina Kuranchie, and Eva Kuupuolo has brought to light the transformative impact of social media on police-citizen engagement within the Ghana Police Service (GPS). The study, grounded in the constructionist paradigm and utilizing interviews with the GPS Public Affairs Unit, delves into how social media platforms have revolutionized the way the GPS interacts with the public. One of the key findings of the study is the significant improvement in media relations facilitated by social media. In the past, the GPS relied on traditional media channels to disseminate information, leading…

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Sugary beverage consumption is on the rise in Ghana, particularly among younger age groups and urban populations, according to a new study by researchers Josephine N. Nartey, Victor Obilie-Mante, and the non-profit organization Censura GHANA. This increasing trend is contributing to a surge in health issues such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and dental problems. The researchers report that sugary drinks, which are packed with calories but lack essential nutrients, are leading to significant health problems. Their study highlights a clear link between the consumption of these beverages and the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Ghana, noting…

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